Wednesday, October 27, 2010

So.. here I am.

I've always said that a part of me has been the heart of a gypsy. Or at least that's how its felt. From the time I can remember knowing what "traveling" was, I've wanted to go. Just go. There have been times that I felt so trapped where I was and just knew that I would always be there. But so much has changed since then.

I suppose I should start at the beginning....

I'm Sarah. In November, I will turn 25. I was born and raised in the wonderful state of Ohio, where no matter where you are inside the state, you are no more than a 5 hour drive from 2 of the best amusement parks in the country (Paramount's King's Island and Cedar Point), two of the nation's best zoos (Columbus Zoo & Aquarium, yes it's one of Jack Hanna's, and Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden), and the only stadium that has the privilege and right to bleed Scarlet and Gray, the home of the Ohio State Buckeyes, The Horseshoe. (Not that I love Ohio or anything.... *eyeroll, grin*)
In February, I ended a 5 year relationship that I just knew I would spend the rest of my life in. It wasn't until I had called the wedding off at least twice and was spending many nights crying myself to sleep that I realized there was no way that I could be happy with him. So, to be fair to us both, I gave back the ring, and moved home. I have no ill feelings towards him, and we're still friends. I just couldn't honestly answer him when he asked if I was still in love with him. What kind of life would that be for anyone involved? So anyway, I moved home and was blessed with a position at Wal-Mart in Richmond, Indiana. My days were spent working, spending time with my family and sometimes with friends, and playing WoW (World of Warcraft). Yes, I'm a geek at heart and proud of it. It was through WoW that I met Jasmine... or Vampireshade as she's known in game. She was moving back to here home town here in Oregon from spending a year in Washington state. The conversation went something as follows: "Hey, so, I'm moving back to Newberg in a few months. Wanna come live with me?"... "Um.. ok!" and that was that. So, I waited out my 6 months and transferred. I now live in Newberg, OR... and have been for close to 3 weeks. In the posts that follow, you'll get to hear my story.


  1. Welcome to blogland! I miss you but am glad you are following your heart and I hope it takes you many wonderful places so I can come visit! Love you!
