Thursday, March 17, 2011

Customer service pet peeves...

There are a few things that drive me crazy working customer service. Here is a short list.

Leaning over the counter to see exactly what I am doing.

Feeling the need to show me on the reciept as I am trying to do what I am doing. I really can find it myself...

Standing 3 inches from the person in front of you when you don't know them. I could almost guarantee they don't like your breath on their neck.

When I ask is there anything wrong with the item, I don't require your life story, family history, or intimate details. Nor do I need you to take it out of the package and give me a tour of every stitch ans seam.

Please don't stand there and mumble about how pissed you are or how ridiculous a policy is. Truth be told, I don't care and it isn't worth my job to change the rules based on your opinion.

And when you are using a pen...please hand it back the way it was given. Do not feel the need to replace the cap or retract it.

Thank you.

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