(I tried to post this yesterday, but it failed... so ..)
Nov. 19:
On the way to the DMV this morning I was talking to Jasmine when I said something that made me stop and take a second. We were discussing the 35 question test I was going to have to take when out of my mouth popped "Well I should hope I'll pass it, I've been driving for almost 10 years..."

I turned 25 today. As much as I stand firm that age is just number and you are only as old as you feel, there are still things that tend to make me feel old. And that statement was one of them. It made me look back on my life and wonder where time has gone. I wouldn't change anything, in all honesty, because its what has happened in my life that has gotten me to where I am now. So, I remind myself that it doesn't matter who of my peers and former peers are married, have kids, or careers. I am where I'm meant to be in my life, and I'm happy with that. God knows what He's doing, and I'm going to let him do it.

On a different note, kinda...my day was fantastic, complete with a new experience for me. Chris, being the amazing guy he is, brought me flowers and a card to work. I almost fell over. I can't help but smile when he's around on a normal day, but tonight it seemed like all I could do was walk around with a goofy smile on my face. And you know how jealous it made the girls there. I keep telling him he's a rare breed but he denies it. "I'm just a decent guy." I always wondered what it would be like to be this happy.

On an amusing note... I got phone calls from my mom, my grandma, and my brother. What does my dad do? Posts "happy bday" on my facebook. Hehe. I love him.
Hey love! Being married is not a walk in the park and umm yeah we are all where we are meant to be! :) Im so happy you have a man like Chris! He's like the man I've been praying would come into your life (yeah I know awful friend praying you would breakup with the past and move forward) and Im so glad you two found each other! Im glad your birthday was extra special, you deserve it! love you and miss you!