Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What have I been doing?

There are days when I look around me and wonder just what I have been doing with my life. I see all these people that I went to high school with that are a year or two older or younger even and they are buying houses, and starting careers. And sometimes it makes me take a step back and wonder where I went wrong. I know God's timing is always perfect... and that He knew each step I would take before I took it. And I know that the path I have taken as gotten me to where I am now. I have an amazing man by my side that I know was made to be my perfect match. I just can't help but to feel ... I dunno... almost lost at times. I work at Walmart. I dropped out of college because of a relationship. I have a bit of debt and nothing to show for it, even if it is getting paid off slowly. I will be turning 26 this year, I'm not married, I have no kids, I have no savings whatsoever to even think about getting a house. *deep breath* I miss my Moma and my Mamaw and the rest of my family who are all 2400 miles away, but I'm happy right now for the most part. I can't see myself ever being without Chris and he couldn't handle living in Ohio unless he had to. And honestly I don't know that I could move back to Ohio any time soon even if he was gung ho about it. But I know I just have to keep my head up and keep moving forward and relying on God and His timing and His will for me and to know that it isn't in my control. It never has been... As long as I follow Him, it will all be ok.

On another note, I am down to 276.4 as of this morning. 321-276.4= 44.6!!!! *doesalittledance*

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