Friday, December 3, 2010

Happy things!...mostly...

I drive home from work last evening only to find that the one parking space we have for the apartment is being occupied by a Comcast truck. Fantastic... So I turn around and make my way back to the street to park. It isn't terribly far, its just aggravating for the spot reserved for us to be taken by a vehicle that doesn't belong there. Anyway, I park and decide to check my phone before heading in, its illegal to use your phone in a non-hands free manner here, and as I'm doing so I hear foot steps and see a shadow coming up by my door. Within seconds Chris appears... Not something I expected but I was happy to see him nonetheless, so I asked what was up. He had been out knocking on the neighbor's doors trying to find the comcast guy to ask him to move for me. I almost fell over. *happy sigh* I love that man. Little things on a daily basis make me smile and never cease to amaze me. And always with perfect had been a rough day at work. I had a woman tell me I was doing my job wrong. It was one of those times I had to bite my tongue from asking her if she wanted to switch sides of the counter.

Today has been better. I'm closing, but its going quickly because we're so busy. I'm currently on my lunch, drinking a Dutch Bros coffee...mmmmm.

In less than a month I'll get to see California for the first time in my life. I'm so excited. But most of my excitement is knowing how much Chris is looking forward to seeing his family. I love when he's happy.

A facebook friend had a picture up on his profile that made me smile... it amazes me to no end how there are people that think that war is not needed and if we just back down, so will they. And the ones that say its against God. It makes me wonder jut how many times they were dropped on their head as a child. Anyway, the picture is around here somewhere... I may move it after I get home if it looks funny but I'll attach it to this email anyway. :)

Time to call my momma and say hello. *waves!*
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

1 comment:

  1. So it came to my attention after reading this that wherever you live there is something there that I have cravings for... HMMM Dutch Bros... YUMMM! (before it was smurf cones!) Totally not fair! I hope your day was better! Tis the season for scrooges! :) Love Ya!
