Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Please forgive me...

I know that I have done things in the past that didn't turn out the way I thought they would... And that I could have handled things differently. I tried so hard to save hearts from being hurt... Tried in perhaps the wrong way. But I never did anything with malice... it wasn't my agenda to hurt and use, however that seems to be how its come across to some. I've made mistakes. But does that really mean that I need to relive them again and again? To answer for the same ones over and over? I've apologized in more ways than I can count... I just.. I give up. Yes, this year has been about me and what I've wanted. It has been 9 months of me making decisions based on my life and my heart. I'll be 25 in 18 days. Is that so horrible? That for one period of my life, my thoughts, my choices are following my heart and not someone else's desires? Does that make me a horrible person?


  1. Horrible?! I think not! It makes you human. A person who has hopes and dreams of their own, an individual who isn't scared of a challenge, who knows them to cut the loses and move on, a woman who strong in the sense that she can bear all that God hands her because her faith is in Him! Horrible is none of those things! It's called following God's path for you and fearing the Lord. Love you always!

    "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." Proverbs 31:30

  2. If you had not your own desires then what would you be? Had you followed everyone elses then what would you ever accomplish for yourself? You are not a product of someone elses beliefs or desires. but of your own, That is what makes you Sarah... To follow your heart is the truest way to go as long as you know the difference between wrong and right..
