Sunday, November 7, 2010

Of Birthdays and Achievements...

So... I will get the geek side of this post out of the way first. *Grin* I just want to say how proud I am of <Dark Sun Army> and their first defeat, in a full guild run, of the Lich King. It's been a long time coming, and you guys are amazing!


Anyway. The last few days have been good. Both fun and relaxing while being filled with excitement and, of course, work. But to the fun things! Friday was Chris's 23rd birthday. Woo! *sings "Happy Birthday" again* And it just so happened that I had Friday off so I actually got to spend the whole day with him. It was a good time, I have to say. Pretty low key but, sometimes those are the best. The night before I had baked his cake (he can't remember anyone ever 'baking' him a cake before!) and did the main icing on it. I was going to do it all Friday morning as a big surprise, but our oven is really hot! I was watching it like crazy, it makes me so paranoid. A cake that was suppose to take at least a half hour to bake was done in just under 20 minutes. So I made it Thursday night, double layer chocolate cake with dark chocolate icing and a layer of coconut pecan icing in between, (It was amazing!) and I stuck it in the microwave for safe keeping. Up bright and early the next morning, I had Jasmine draw a Horde symbol and cut it out. Refreshing the icing on top just a bit, I used red sprinkles to put the symbol on the cake, and wrote "For The Horde!" across the bottom with "Zilladoom" across the top. (Yes, all stuff from WoW) Candles placed, and back into the microwave it went.
For breakfast, I made 2 different kinds of biscuits. My regular homemade Jiffy ones that go perfect with my gravy, and Pillsbury ones that he used to have all the time as a kid. Neither of which were burned in any way in the special oven of ours, I was so happy! There was also bacon, the gravy that my grandma taught me to make *smile*, and fried apples with smoked sausage. (Jasmine, while eating some of the sausage and apples later tells me that she may be in love with my sausage and ask me to make it more, hehe)
So finally, with everything complete, we pull the cake out and find a lighter. I take a piece of biscuit in and wake him up, knowing it will go over better if he has something to chew on, and give him a 5 minute warning, breakfast is almost ready. Can I just say that I hate the regular birthday cake candles? They burn way too fast! We got it lit and I really thought the cake would have a coating of wax all over it before he found his way to the kitchen, haha, but finally it was time! The look on his face was priceless! I had to almost poke him to blow the candles out because he was just staring at them, smiling.
We spent the rest of the day eating cake, snacking on left overs from breakfast, and playing video games. He's teaching me how to play "Champions, A Call to Arms"... I think that's the right name. There was a nap in there somewhere too. It was fantastic.

And now, its Sunday! I'm getting ready to get dressed and wake him up for church. I'm actually off work today as well so who knows what the day will hold! My love to you all!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to Chris! Sarah I just have to tell you that I love hearing your excitement again! I think its been a long time coming and I truly believe you are happy and I love that! Love you always!
